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Cloud Service Provider Configuration

Kubernetes cloud cost allocation utilizes on-demand APIs for pricing data, but additional configuration is required for cloud costs and user-specific pricing. Please refer to the specific provider pages for the cloud-specific configurations:

Cloud Costs


The Cloud Costs feature is not in the current stable release yet. Please use the OpenCost image and the OpenCost UI image to access this beta feature.

To access general cloud costs you will need to set up cost data exports for your cloud provider. Your account details and credentials will be kept in a secret file named cloud-integration.json with the following format only containing applicable CSPs for your installation:

"azure": [],
"gcp": [],
"aws": [],
"alibaba": []

The content for your cloud providers' configuration are listed on their specific pages:

Once you have filled in the configuration object, use the command:

kubectl create secret generic <SECRET_NAME> --from-file=cloud-integration.json -n opencost

Once the secret is created, set .Values.opencost.cloudIntegrationSecret to <SECRET_NAME> and upgrade OpenCost via Helm.

Please note that the cloud costs become available as soon as they appear in the cloud service provider's billing data, with usually several hours to a 24-hour delay. There is currently no reconciliation of the on-demand pricing with the billing data's actual costs.

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